CEVEN @ De Ceuvel

The NFT Collection

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The ASCII art collection is made out of four NFTs that have various resolutions (density of in the use of the ASCII characters). All the ASCII art images below use the letters of the titles as fillers (except some characters for better resolution).

The collection includes


Dream Images

Dream Images is a collection of NFTs that uses Remote Sensing/Earth Observation Data images, manipulated using various computer vision algorithms and neural networks to manipulate the original data. The results are 'dream-like' images that sometimes resemble the originals and sometimes inspire a completely different visual experience.

The collection includes



In reference to a famous artist form the Netherlands, we created images based on sensor data from De Ceuvel. The sensor data includes CO, CO2, air pressure, and temperature. Every NFT represents the average data of one day and is name after the date the data was recorded.

The collection includes


Let's Have Some Fun

These are some pictures created with various methods, mainly for fun.

The collection includes